.. / Exhibitions
Various timings
National Gallery Singapore, City Hall Wing, Level 2, DBS Singapore Gallery
General admission ticket required (free for Singaporeans and PRs)
Free during Festival Open House dates (19–21 Jan, 26–28 Jan, 2–4 Feb 2024)
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Singapore Stories: Pathways and Detours in Art

Mon–Thu: 10am–7pm
Fri–Sun: 10am–11pm

Free during Festival Open House dates (19–21 Jan, 26–28 Jan, 2–4 Feb 2024)
The newly revamped DBS Singapore Gallery exhibition presents a layered, ever-changing story of Singapore’s art history, continually questioning itself: Whose story is this? Where is home? What is new? Who is looking? What is art for? Explore the unique pathways and detours of artists, and see their iconic artworks from the 19th century to present.
Figuring A Scene
Sun Cell presented by Esplanade
Artist Talk with Song-Ming Ang
How to Art with Friends