.. / Exhibitions
5 Apr 2024–23 Mar 2025
Various timings
National Gallery Singapore, Supreme Court Wing, Level 3, Dalam Southeast Asia
General admission ticket required (free for Singaporeans and PRs)
Free during Festival Open House dates (19–21 Jan, 26–28 Jan, 2–4 Feb 2024)
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Figuring A Scene

Mon–Thu: 10am–7pm
Fri–Sun: 10am–11pm

Free during Festival Open House dates (19–21 Jan, 26–28 Jan, 2–4 Feb 2024)
Figuring a Scene moves away from how art history has defined the logic of exhibitions, arguing that exhibitions have intrinsic significance beyond external factors like history or society. It asserts that emotions, imagination, and sensory experiences play crucial roles in understanding art and inevitably defining how we make sense of history or society. The exhibition probes the process of creating art and how different materials gain significance within specific settings, resembling the unfolding of a narrative or drama.
Between Declarations and Dreams: Art of Southeast Asia since the 19th Century
Slow Art Jam
kālacakra (a clock for progress)
Return to Paradise (Play)