.. / Activities
18–19 Jan, 25–26 Jan, 1–2 Feb 2025
Various timings
National Gallery Singapore, Supreme Court Wing, Level 3, UOB Southeast Asia Gallery
Escaped the Art

Sat: 2–2.30pm | 3.30–4pm | 5–5.30pm
Sun: 2–2.30pm | 3.30–4pm

Something mysterious has happened at the National Gallery. A rupture in the space-time art continuum has allowed figures from the past to escape their paintings! Once confined to their canvases, these characters now roam free, eager to tell their stories and reveal their hidden identities. It’s up to you and Time Agent Z to seek them out, listen to their tales and uncover the truth. Can you piece together which artwork they belong to and what they represent before time runs out? Step into a world where art comes to life to ask, “”Do you see me?””
Produced by Strawberries Inc.
Ephemeral Threads: Tea is Served [Gallery Gigs X Resonates With Residency]
Artwork Scavenger Hunt
Young Pianists
Civic District Tours: Seen Unseen